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DXN REISHI MUSHROOM POWDER is a balanced mixture of mycelium and fruit body of Ganocelium lucidum. This form of premixed powder mixture saves the user's time and it is suitable for all kinds of consumers.
Reishi mushroom contains a whopping 400 nutrients! The nutrients present in this amazing herb promote health and vitality. Some of the important nutrients are poly-saccharides, tripertenoids, organic germanium, anti-oxidants, adenosine, LZ-8, amino acids-protein and alkaloids. It contains potassium, phosphorus, calci-um, Vitamin A, C, E, D and B complex vitamins.
Reishi or Ganoderma Mushroom Benefits for Health:
1. kidney diseases: kidney disease includes chronic nephritis, diabetic renal syndrome, and nephritis. It occurs due to high blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. Overloaded kidney prevents the blood from reaching the renal capillaries. This causes fa-tigue, urine retention and uremia. Ganoderma lowers proteinuria and cholesyerolemia, maintaining proper renal function.
2. Heart Health: Ganoderic acid improves blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption in the heart muscle, also inhibits platelet clumping, which often leads to heart attack. Ganoderma prevents the buildup of plaque in the arteries that restricts blood flow by narrowing the passage within the arteries, result-ing in atherosclerosis.
3. High Blood Pressure: Consuming ganoderma for significantly lower blood pressure. It has been prescribed for centuries to people suffering from stress and angina and promotes blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption in the muscle of the heart due to chain of acids belonging to triterpenes -known to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol.
4. Anti-Allergic and Anti-asthma: Ganoderma extract significantly inhibit different types of allergic reaction, including asthma and dermatitis. Tritpenes, a compound found in ganoderma provides anti-viral and anti-allergic effects. It inhibits the histamine release, making the herb potentially useful for allergies. Polysaccharides improve the ability of antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses that cause allergic reaction. It is useful for treating atopic shock, dermatitis, hay fever, hives, and food and drug allergies.
5. Various Cancers: Ganoderma is touted for its anti-cancer benefits. It strengthens the immunity and com-bats cancer cell proliferation. It stimulates the production of interleukin-2, which helps to fight several types of can-cer. Ganoderic acid, a compound found in ganoderma, helps to fight liver cancer. It counteracts suppression by stimulating the creation of protein in the bone marrow and increase significantly in the T-cells. Lack of oxygen is one of the major causes of cancer. Ganoderma can pre-vent cancer metastasis. It inhibits the migration of cancer cells, angiogenesis and proliferation. Furthermore, com-bining ganoderma with green tea augments its power to retard the growth of cancer cells. Ganoderma is effective in brain tumor, breast, lungs, colon, liver, ovary, pancre-as, and other cancers.
6. Detoxify the Body: Ganoderma eliminates the toxins accumulated in the body due to excess intake of medi-cines and junk food. It promotes the efficient synthesis of bile and fatty acids, promoting faster detoxification of the chemicals from the body. It enhances the bodyās ability to take in more than 1.5 times oxygen. Ganoderma rapidly oxygenates the body and adjusts its pH value.
7. Sound Sleep: Ganoderma is recommended for its sleep promoting properties. Regular usage of ganorder-ma can promote a slow wave of sleep.
8. Alzheimerās disease and Mental Health: Ganoderma is recommended for the treatment of neuroses caused by environmental stress. Regular intake of Ganoderma can help patients suffering from Alzheimerās disease. It provides a calming effect, which is neither a narcotic nor hypnotic.
9. Muscle Relaxant: Ganoderma has been used widely for its muscle relaxing and pain inhibiting properties. It is believed that the herb can also treat anorexia and debility following a chronic dis-ease.
10. Boosting Immune System: Ganoderma is very useful in boosting the bodyās immune system. Reishi mushrooms not only stimulate the immune system, but also regulate it. It regulates metabolic balance and promotes a synthesis of nucleic acid in the body. Polysaccharides raise the levels of inter-feron in the body by promoting the release of pro-tein from the white blood cells. These white blood cells assist in inhibiting the spread of diseases. Pa-tients taking ganoderma show fewer side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. The post-operative recovery is also smoother.
11. Anti Ageing: The polysaccharides in ganoder-ma promote nuclear DNA synthesis and increased cell division, delaying the onset of ageing. It also contributes to longer life spans. This wonder herb helps to manage some of the most life threatening age conditions and autoimmune diseases like can-cer and other neurodegenerative diseases.
12. Weight Loss: Oxygen is very essential for burning fat for fuel. High levels of oxygen boost the bodyās metabolism, leading to weight loss. It increases the rate at which the body provides blood to the oxygen, giving you extra energy. In-creased energy levels help you to work out for longer, aiding weight loss.
13. Antioxidants: Ganoderma is a potent source of antioxidants. It contains one of the highest sources of antioxidant found in herbs. Ganoderma Lucidum peptide is the most powerful antioxidant found in this herb. Other antioxidants include poly-saccharide, polysaccharide peptide complex and phenolic components.
14. Healing the Liver: This potent herb protects the liver from damage due to physical and biological fac-tors. It also treats alcohol induced fatty liver and cir-rhosis. Ganoderma can help people in the early stages of alcoholic liver diseases. It also helps patients suffer-ing from hepatitis B and elevated liver enzymes. Hepa-titis B is quite difficult to clear from the body and its recurrence after treatment is high. The powerful com-pounds present in ganoderma accelerate the clearance of drugs and chemicals stored in the liver. The antioxi-dants present in ganoderma combats the free radicals, promoting liver regeneration.
15. Antibacterial and Antiviral Infection: Ganoderma stimulates the maturity of immune cells called macrophages, which digest infectious bacteria. It is also active against yeast infection. Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms may have antibacterial powers, with direct anti-microbial effects against the proceding organisms: Aspergillus niger, bacillus cereus, candida albicans, and E-coli. Ganoderma lucidum may have antiviral benefits. It exhibit direct anti-viral effects with herpes simplex virus 1, herpes simplex virus 2, the influenza virus, and vesicular stomatitis.
16. Stress: Ganoderma has been prescribed since centuries to people suffering from stress and anxiety. It can effectively reduce emotional outbursts during chronic stress and depression. Reishi mushroom to calm the minds for meditation.
17. Skin Health: Topical application of ganoderma can be very effective for healing skin wounds, eczema, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, and scrapes.
18. Prostate Enlargement: Ganoderma can also provide relief from urinary tract infections. It inhibits 5- alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testos-terone to Dihydrotestosterone. These 5 alpha reduc-tase can lead to swollen prostate and the health prob-lem that accompanies it. It also improves urine flow in men with mild to moderate urinary tract symptoms. Ganoderma lucidum is said to inhibit 5-alpha reduc-tase, an enzyme responsible for converting testos-terone to dihydrotestosterone. This nasty predicament can lead to a swollen prostate and all the ills that go with it. Ganoderma lucidum demonstrates more 5-alpha-reductase inhibitory activity than many other medicinal mushrooms and improves urine flow in men with mild-to-moderate lower urinary tract symptoms
19. Inflammation and Rheumatoid Arthritis : Ganoderma extract is very effective for decreasing post-herpetic pain, which occurs soon after the herpes lesions heal. A combination of ganoderma with San Mioa (a mix-ture of several Chinese herbs) may help reduce rheuma-toid arthritis. It helps to reduce the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Ganoderma is also effective for stiff neck and arms.
20. Blood Sugar and Diabetes: Ganoderma also pro-vides blood sugar lowering effect.
It contains polysaccha-rides known as Ganoderans A, B and C, which provides hypoglycemic effect. It elevates plasma insulin levels to enhance peripheral tissue utilization and liver metabolism of glucose.
21. Radiation: Ganoderma augments the effects of ra-diation therapy while acting directly against tumors. It strengthens the immune system, which helps the body to manage radiation therapy and chemotherapy. It also eases the symptoms of radiation therapy like nausea, vomiting, fever, infection, and hair fall and weight loss. It has also been found to ease symptoms of chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, fever, infection, weight loss and hair loss.