How to buy DXN products all countries?

How to buy DXN products all countries?

DXN has local Service Centers and DXN Branches in 77 countries and they deliver DXN products to over 180 countries.

If you are not a DXN Distributor, you can buy DXN products too, but just at retail price.

You have two possibilities to choose from:

How to buy DXN products?

Buy DXN products at retail price without registration

When should you choose this?

  • If you want to try out 1 or 2 products first
  • You don’t mind that you buy it at a higher price
  • If you don’t want to make a simple registration

How to buy DXN products?

Buy DXN products at distributor price with registration

When should you choose this?

·         If you want to buy the products cheaper, even from the first one.

·         If you want to enjoy more benefits of DXN membership

·         You want to have your own web shop to order easily

What is the method of buying DXN products?

dxn office

Buy DXN products personally at your nearest office or Service Center

When should you choose this?

  • There is an office near to you.
  • You don’t want to pay any shipping fee.
  • There is no online order possibility in your country.
  • You want to meet with the staff and other members. There are often meetings in the local offices.
DXN products from your DXN eWorld

Order DXN products from your DXN eWorld webshop

When should you choose this?

  • If you like to use your own webshop, and there is an online order possibility in your country.
  • It’s easy to order and apply your discounts.
  • There are more payment methods.

How to buy DXN products?

Order DXN products via email, phone or WhatsApp

When should you choose this?

  • If you prefer e-mail or phone communication.
  • When the eWorld webshop doesn’t work in your country.
  • When you travel to another country and you want to buy the products there.
  • You want to send products to somebody in another country.
DXN Online purchase available countries
DXN one world one market


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