World Of The Best 100% Organic Supplements King Of Herbs Ganoderma

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RG It consists of:


Organic germanium



Ganoderic essence

Ø  RG is a scanner (1-30 days). RG has the wider range of scanning because it contains all the natural elements of Gano water soluble, organic soluble and volatile elements.

Ø  RG does functions like cleansing and detoxification (1-30weeks). RG removes toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, calcium deposit, bad tissue and chemical accumulation through 1) sweating 2) urination and stool 3) boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.

Ø   RG is a regulator (1-12months). After the toxin removal from the body, RG exerts a balancing effect to restore the body function to normal.

Ø   RG is a builder (6-24 months). RG builds and heals body parts that are injured or damaged. It strengthens the body; immune system, restores mental calmness and gives more resistance to disease.

Ø  RG supplies essential elements such as Minerals and Triterpenoides for the recovery of body function.

Ø  RG is a regenerator (1-3years). It ensures our body is functioning at its optimum level, which is actually a rejuvenating effect and thus restores youthful appearance, strength and peacefulness of mind.


GL It consists of:


Organic germanium



Amino Acids

·         It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth.

·          Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread.

·          Helps in strengthening the body immune system.

·          Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function & Discharges water-soluble toxins.

·          Through Organic Germanium

·         It increases oxygen supply to blood circulation

·         It revives cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body oxygen

·          fatigue

·         Cleanses blood

·         Serves as a brain tonic and stabilizes the nervous system

·         Stabilizes blood pressure

·         stabilizes electrical function in the body & It eliminates water soluble toxins.


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